Creación de lo fantástico: la función narrativa de la descripción en “Algo en la oscuridad” de José Emilio Pacheco




space, ritual, theatricality, inversion, sacrality


The gloomy and mysterious castle is one of the common topics of the fantastic, however by the end of the 20ieth century it is definitely not an exclusively scenic background any more. This study analyses the narrative functions of the description, by means of which closed spaces and their surroundings acquire a symbolic value, which generates the fantastic effect. With the help of a close narratological reading of José Emilio Pacheco's short story “Algo en la oscuridad” I propose to show how the description of space and the narrative focalization (perceptive-sensorial activity) turn out to be the first responsible instances of the fulfilled ritual.


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How to Cite

Menczel, G. “Creación De Lo fantástico: La función Narrativa De La descripción En ‘Algo En La oscuridad’ De José Emilio Pacheco”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, no. 4, Jan. 2017, doi:10.24029/lejana.2012.4.42.



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