A Moment: Hibridity of Ages

Apuntes sobre algunos componentes del realismo mágico





magical realism, marvellous real, Gabriel García Márquez, Alejo Carpentier, Blacamán the Good Vendor of Miracles


The purpose of this article is to offer a short reflection on some statements made by Alejo Carpentier and Gabriel García Márquez about the concept of “the marvelous real” and “magical realism”, going on afterwards to cite some historical elements that have contributed in a less noticed way to shaping this ideology, and to show its textual marks in one of García Márquez’s short stories, and getting, in the end, to some conclusion about the productivity of the expression “magical realism”, so varied and blurry in its use.


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How to Cite

Kürthy, Ádám A. “A Moment: Hibridity of Ages: Apuntes Sobre Algunos Componentes Del Realismo mágico”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, no. 10, Nov. 2017, pp. 173-86, doi:10.24029/lejana.2017.10.158.