The legal status and responsibilities of executives in the light of company models and the current legislation


  • Erika Németh



Legal status of a manager, corporate governance arrangements, corporate governance models, executive liability, legal causation theory, standards of business conduct


The article examines the legal status and responsibilities of executives in the light of company models and the current legislation.  The article presents the concept of managerial status and its characteristics. The article focuses on the analysis of legal liability, which includes a comprehensive overview of the current regulations, touching the external, internal and renewed liability rules governing the dissolution of the company without a legal successor. Judicial practice developed on the basis of the new Civil Code will also be analysed, with the aim of determining whether the emerging higher judicial practice has facilitated the effectiveness of the legal text, while the effects of the limited system of precedents prevail. In addition to the norms governing legal liability, the article also evaluates the impact of several techniques of modern management as extralegal tools from the perspective of the managerial status, analyzing the effects of the extralegal tools of today’s management theories, corporate governance models and norms of business conduct.


