Style Guide

Principles for the main text


- Main title: bold, centre aligned.

- Subtitle: bold, left aligned.

- Second-level subtitle: italics (not bold), left aligned.


Please avoid if possible. If necessary:

- First level (Roman numbers): I., II., III.

- Second level (Arabic numbers): 1., 2., 3.

- Third level (lowercase letters): a) b) c)


Formatting: margins justified, paragraphs 1.25 centimetres except paragraphs after titles.

Graphs: illustrations can be used with exact references and clarified copyrights. Graphs, tables, and diagrams must be numbered and referenced in the text. Images must be submitted as separately attached files.

Emphasis: with italics.

Foreign words and titles: always italicized.

Punctuation and abbreviation

En dashes are used to indicate ranges (e.g. 1990–2000) and connect like terms (e.g. Chinese–Hungarian).

Non-standard abbreviations are to be avoided in the main text.

Chinese words, names

At first occurrence, the original character is placed after the transcription. Brackets are to be used only in case the word stands in translation. For instance:

‘Xu Shen categorized the Chinese characters under six groups, based on their structure: ideogram (zhǐ shì 指事)…’ – with brackets;

‘The character rén 人 can be taken as an example...’ – without brackets.


- at first occurrence, it is important to include both the transcription and the original character(s);

- characters always follow the transcription;

- there is regular space between the transcription and the characters.


Romanization should be included in standard Hanyu Pinyin. Tonal markings should be annotated by using the Unicode-compliant Times New Roman font with tone-marked vowels.


Quotation marks for short quotations are embedded in the text:

- Quotation: ‘…’

- Quotation within quotation: ‘… “…” …’

- Author’s remark, addition in a quotation or adding the original in a translated quotation: between [] brackets.

- Modification to a quotation: ‘[U]pper case instead of lower case‘ or ‘[t]he other way round‘.

- Omission: […].

Block quotation: quotations longer than two lines shall be separated from the main text as a block quotation in the following format: font size 11, 12 pt spaces before and after the paragraph, and 1 centimetre indentation on both sides. The block quotation is not included within quotation marks.


Footnotes should be used within the manuscript. Endnotes should not be used.

Footnotes must be added to the word to which they refer, but if the word is immediately followed by a punctuation mark, then the footnote comes after the punctuation mark. Footnotes are not italicized, even if the words they follow are italicized.

Format: there is always a space at the beginning of a footnote. Each footnote starts with an upper case letter and ends with a punctuation mark.


Appendixes should be listed with Arabic numbers (e.g., Appendix 1, Appendix 2…). If there is only one appendix, do not number it; just label it ‘Appendix’.



There are no references in the main text in brackets. For in-text citation please use footnotes in the following format:

- one author, reference to a page: Miller 2012: 17.

- one author, reference to a page and a note: Miller 2012: 17, note 2.

- two authors, reference to a page: Johnson–Smith 1980: 207.

- more authors, reference to a page: Brown et al. 2020: 36.

- more works of the same author from the same year: Davis 2010a: 30, Davis 2010b: 78.

If a reference is exactly the same as the previous reference, then use ‘Ibid.’ in italics and followed by a period.


Primary sources are listed separately, as ‘Primary sources’.

Secondary sources are listed separately, as ‘Secondary sources’.

The list of references only contains works referred to in the manuscript.

If it exists, a digital object identifier (DOI) must be provided to each title in the list of references in the form of a permanent URL that begins with DOIs for all types of publications can be found using Crossref's Metadata Search.

Formatting names

The order of authors’ names is alphabetical, based on their family names.

In a language where the family name comes first (e.g., Chinese, Korean, Japanese) no comma is required, but it is needed if the same author published in a language in which family names follow given names (e.g., English, German).

If the surname includes a particle (e.g., de la, van, von), include the particle before the surname in the reference list entry.

If the surname includes a suffix (e.g., Jr., II), include the suffix after the initials in the reference list entry.

Entry format for books

Surname, Given name Year. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Surname, Given name Year. Book title: Subtitle. Place of publication: Publisher.


Entry format for edited books

Surname, Given name (ed.) Year. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Surname, Given name – Surname, Given name (eds.) Year. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.


Paper in a volume

Surname, Given name Year. ‘Title of the article’, in Surname, Given name (ed.). Book title. Place of publication: Publisher, page–page.


Paper in a journal

Surname, Given name Year. ‘Title of the article’, Title of Journal volume number: page–page.


Ph.D. dissertation

Surname, Given name Year. Title. (Ph.D. dissertation, university).


References to online articles

‘Title of the article.’ https://xxxx (last accessed: 27.02.2023).

References in Chinese (or other languages)

References in Chinese should be translated into English and put in [] brackets. For instance:

Wang Renhua 2020. ‘Metaphorical Representation in the Discourse of "The Belt and Road Initiative"’, Journal of Nanjing Institue of Technology (Social Science Edition) 20/3: 36–40. [王任华 2020. ‘”一带一路”话语中的隐喻性表征’.南京工程学院学报(社会科学版) 20/3: 36–40.]


Please contact the editors ( if you need clarification on any formatting issues.