Multidiszciplináris könyvtárosképzés és multifunkciós egyetemi könyvtár a tudásalapú gazdaság kontextusában




Facing multifunctional expectations and operating in market economies, members of the
library network cannot fulfil their mission without sufficiently prepared, multi-skilled
librarians; furthermore, educational establishments cannot function in isolation from librarianship. This paper analyses the most recent decisive factors of the librarian profession which have an effect on the higher education of librarians as well, and clarifies international and domestic trends related to university libraries. Reacting to the requirements of our knowledge-based economy, its financial environment and university libraries, and
focusing on the librarian training programme of Eötvös Loránd University in particular,
the paper also evaluates how post-secondary education responded to multidisciplinary
competence development. It especially highlights the efforts aimed at enhancing the synergic relationship between theory and practice, and the results of research in the field of
library and information science which support innovation. The study, enumerating and
responding to some of the false perceptions related to the training programme, reveals
the reasons behind labour shortage (career changes) among librarians, which affects university libraries as well, and identifies areas in need of urgent intervention and cooperation, the backgrounds of which – financial and otherwise (potentially also arising from a
lack of information) – are also described.


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How to Cite

Kiszl, P. (2020). Multidiszciplináris könyvtárosképzés és multifunkciós egyetemi könyvtár a tudásalapú gazdaság kontextusában. Traditions and Challenges, 29–62.



Könyvtáros kompetenciák a 21. században