Information Operations as a Question of Law and Cyber Sovereignty


  • Ádám Farkas
  • László Vikman



information operations, influence, cyber sovereignty, resilience, cognitive warfare


The transmission of information content in the digital space, or its restriction, obstruction or distortion, is an extraordinary tool in the information age. States can be targets of information operations, regardless of their political system. For this reason, the ability and capacity to counter operations in the information space are fundamental issues for any state with a modern defence system. Information operations are, therefore, a necessary tool for the self-defence of sovereign states in the 21st century. However, the question arises as to what legal and institutional framework can provide an appropriate basis for information operations in such a way that the framework does not react to ad hoc events but ensures a systemic response in the long term while upholding the fundamental values of the state. The paper aims to contribute to understanding this problem by reviewing different nation-state solutions and providing a conceptual framework that synthesises legal, political, military and intelligence aspects.

Author Biographies

Ádám Farkas

Dr Ádám Farkas PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Széchenyi István University – Ludovika University of Public Service. ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2918-5267.

László Vikman

Dr László Vikman, Assistant Researcher, Ludovika University of Public Service. ORCID iD: 0009-0002-1202- 5769.





