Call for Articles


The Editorial Board of the ELTE Law Journal invites authors to submit their articles for publication in the journal. Research articles and case notes exploring contemporary, practical issues in the field of private law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law, international law and European law are welcome. We have a strong preference for submissions with a comparative approach and for articles exploring legal issues from the perspective of European law or international law.

The deadline for submissions to the next issue is 31 July 2024. Please note, however, the Editorial Board continuously accepts submissions to the subsequent issues.

Articles can be submitted via the website of the ELTE Law Journal.

The Editorial Board gives preference to high-quality submissions that shed new light on the subject and may have lasting scholarly significance. Articles must comply with the submission guide of the journal. All articles are subject to peer review before they are accepted for publication.

The ELTE Law Journal is one of the leading law reviews in Hungary. The journal is published by ELTE Eötvös Press, the publisher of the ELTE Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest). The journal is available both in printed and electronic form. All articles can be accessed online free of charge via the ELTE Law Journal website. The Editorial Board is committed to publish articles that raise the interest of the international academic community.

The Editorial Board of the ELTE Law Journal