For Authors

Next issue

Language of odd numbered issues is hungarian and the even numbered issues are published in english. The next issue will be published in hungarian. Deadline for submitting papers to the next issue is 25 March 2022.

Manuscript submission

The papers must be submitted to the journal Engineering and IT Solutions electronically through the editorial manager system in editable MS Word format.

Guide for Authors

Manuscripts should be typed in this template. All manuscripts must use SI (metric) units in the text, figures, or tables. Prospective authors should go along the following checklist before manuscript submission:

  • Concise, informative title which length cannot exceed 8 words.
  • Concise and factual abstract of no more than 100 words is required.
  • Continuous line numbering in the manuscript.
  • Figures and tables are inserted into the manuscript. Caption and consecutive numbering of these is ensured.
  • High quality figures are ready to upload into the editoral management system in .jpg or .png format.
  • In-text citations to each figures, tables and references.
  • Editabe and numbered equations inserted into the paper (not figures).
  • In-text citations to references should be numbered in bracket in ascending order.
  • All references should be listed at the end of the manuscripts, arranged in order of in-text citations.
  • If doi number is available for a reference item it is indicated.