Des vides et des pleins : Les occupations humaines dans le Bassin des Carpathes entre 130 et 10 ka BP Marie Seguedy, Stéphane Péan, Marylène Patou-Mathis, Zsolt Mester 5-40 PDF
Upper Palaeolithic site complex at Csécse-Szőlős-domb (Cserhátalja, Nógrád County, Northern Hungary): Preliminary results Attila Péntek, Krisztián Zandler, Szilvia Guba, Nicklas Larsson 41-69 PDF
Interpretation possibilities of Middle Neolithic cave usage patterns: The Neolithic finds from the 2019 excavation in the Baradla Cave in Aggtelek Gizella Kovács 71-147 PDF
Hrádok nad Váhom: Bronzeworking equipment from an Urnfield Culture site in the Carpathians Filip Ondrkál 149-166 PDF
New specimen of an Early Iron Age brooch type from Western Transdanubia: A stray find from Simaság Gábor Ilon 223-229 PDF
In Turkısh Thrace : The Early Iron Age cultural environment of the Tundza and Maritsa valleys Umut M. Doğan 243-265 PDF
Roman stamped bricks from the Tussla-collection in the Hungarian National Museum Linda Dobosi, Tamás Szabadváry 267-331 PDF
An ivory statuette depicting the god Thanatos discovered near Tomis (Moesia Inferior) Ingrid Petcu-Levei, Radu Petcu 333-342 PDF
New data on the Avar Period chronology of the Körös–Tisza–Maros Interfluve: Some radiocarbon dates from the cemeteries of Szarvas-Grexa-téglagyár and Székkutas-Kápolnadűlő Bence Gulyás, Péter Somogyi, Gergely Szenthe 343-372 PDF
Some remarks on the absolute chronology of heraldic belt fittings Anton Strokov, Bence Gulyás, Péter Somogyi, Galina Kamelina 393-416 PDF
Connection and disconnection: Reconstructing routes through and beyond the Rania Plain in Iraqi Kurdistan Fruzsina Alexandra Németh 417-448 PDF
Preliminary report on the excavations of the legionary bath of Brigetio in 2024 Dávid Bartus, Melinda Szabó, Rita Helga Olasz, Ákos Müller, Bence Simon, Lajos Juhász, Vilmos Lenár, László Borhy, Emese Számadó 449-466 PDF
Pilisszentiván-Hárs-erdő 2024: Newly excavated remains of an Early Roman village in the northwestern hinterland of Aquincum Bence Simon, Szilvia Joháczi, Vilmos Lenár, Ákos Müller, László Rupnik, Lőrinc Timár 467-479 PDF
The concept of the ancient homeland of the Fenno-Ugric-speaking peoples in light of complex research József Vigh 481-491 PDF