Vol. 3 No. 12 (2024)
Thesis review articles

The concept of the ancient homeland of the Fenno-Ugric-speaking peoples in light of complex research

József Vigh
Individual researcher, Budapest, Hungary

Published 2025-01-24


  • Uralic language family,
  • Uralic homeland,
  • Linguistic palaeontology,
  • Historical gentics,
  • Seima-Turbino Transcultural Phenomenon

How to Cite

Vigh, J. (2025). The concept of the ancient homeland of the Fenno-Ugric-speaking peoples in light of complex research. Dissertationes Archaeologicae, 3(12), 481–491. https://doi.org/10.17204/dissarch.2024.481


Extended, completed review of the theses of the PhD dissertation completed under the supervision of László Klima and submitted to the Uralic Linguistics and Languages Programme, Doctoral School of Linguistics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, in 2023. 

The dissertation’s primary objective was to investigate, applying an interdisciplinary approach, the prehistory and location of the ancient homeland of the Uralic-speaking peoples. This study was needed due to the decreasing tendency in research in Hungary on the Uralic prehistory compared to Finland. In the past three decades, some attempts have been made to integrate new results, but the old theory of the Uralic homeland being in Western Siberia could not be challenged. The research presented in the dissertation is based on reassessing previous results of linguistic palaeontology, archaeology, and archaeogenetics.