Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it at another journal for consideration.
- Affiliation and email address are properly specified in the submission web page. ORCiD (with public data) is expected.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Guidelines.
- The illustrations and figures are of high resolution and quality.
- DOIs or URLs have been provided for the references whenever possible.
Author Guidelines
Dissertationes Archaeologicae (DissArch) will be published as an open-access, annual, peer-reviewed online archaeological journal in PDF format with continuous page numbering. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to The format of the manuscript should be either Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx, .rtf). We can accept manuscripts in English, German, and French languages.
Peer review process
All articles submitted to DissArch are initially assessed by the Editor-in-chief, who decides whether or not the article is suitable for peer review. Submissions considered suitable for peer review are assigned to one or more independent experts, who assess the article for originality, clarity and validity. Article types that are not peer reviewed (e. g. doctoral theses or field reports) will undergo full editorial review by one or more of the editorial team.
DissArch operates a double-blind peer review, meaning that both author and reviewers remain anonymous unless otherwise requested. Reviewers are asked to provide formative feedback, even if an article is not deemed suitable for publication in the journal. Based on the reviewer reports, the Editor-in-chief – supported by the Editorial Board – will make a decision for rejection, minor or major revisions, or acceptance.
Formatting requirements
- The manuscript include title, author's name, affiliation, email address, and ORCiD (with public data);
- The title should not contain citations;
- The English abstract should be concise, no longer than 220 words and should not contain citations;
- Give 3–5 keywords (in English) start with lowercase character and are separated by comma
- Times New Roman CE, 12pt font, single-spaced;
- Number footnotes consecutively throughout the paper;
- Numbering of spaced and full-page images continuous, italicized (Fig. 1–n); except tables (spreadsheets): (Tab. 1–n);
- Figures and tables should not be embedded in the text, upload them instead in separate files;
- Figures should be submitted as separate high-quality image files (see below).
The DissArch does not use in-text citation, except for references to primary ancient sources. References to classical literature should be given in parentheses in full (Vitruvius, De architectura 2.3.3) or abbreviated form (Vitr., De arch. 2.3.3) following standard conventions, including author, title (italicized) and the appropriate book, chapter, paragraph, or line numbers, separated by periods. Notes should be formatted as footnotes, not endnotes. Bibliographical citations should appear in chronological order and to be drawn from the list of cited works. These citations should consist of the author's last name, the year of publication, and relevant inclusive pages, figures, plates, etc. Do not use abbreviations such as op. cit., loc. cit., ibid, idem, passim, infra, supra or vague page ranges, e.g. 125f. or 125ff.
Manuscripts end with a list of all works cited, in alphabetical order by last name of first author. Authors' and editors' first names should be given as initials. Titles of journals and series should not be abbreviated but given in full. Titles of journals and books should be italicized. Collective works with more than three articles cited should be included in the bibliography as individual titles. Please ensure that all references listed in the bibliography are cited in the text, as well as all cited works are included in the bibliography.
Always provide the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if it exists in the form of a permanent URL that begins DOIs should be given for journal articles, books, chapters of books, thesis and conference papers too. The DOIs can be retrieved easily using Crossref's Metadata Search; the tool is user friendly and free to access (you need to register first). For articles only available online (without DOI), include a URL or the name of the database.
Footnote citation form
1 Smith 2013, 145–146. (Single work cited; for multiply pages connected by En dash)
2 Smith 2013, 145, Fig. 13,8, Figs 23–24; Blake 2011. (Multiple works cited, separated by semicolons)
3 Smith 2008; Smith 2009a, 456, Pl. 49,3; Smith 2009b. (Multiple references to the same author, separated by semicolons. Use alphabetical suffixes for publications by the same author in one year)
4 Smith – Blake 2012, 43. (Two author, separated by ‘space-En dash-space’)
5 Smith et al. 2008 (for more than two authors)
Sample references
Book and edited book
Boucher, S. 1973: Bronzes romains figurés du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon. Lyon.
Footnote: Boucher 1973, 25.
Fouet, G. – Savès, G. 1978: L’or de Tolosa volé à Vieille-Toulouse. Toulouse.
Footnote: Fouet – Savés 1978, 25, Pl. 3.
Hunter, J. – Roberts, C. – Martin, A. 1997: Studies in Crime: An introduction to Forensic Archaeology. New York.
Footnote: Hunter et al. 1997, 46–51.
Arce, J. – Brukhalter, F. (eds) 1993: Bronces y religion romana. Actas del XI Congreso Internacional de bronces antiguos. Madrid.
Footnote: Arce – Brukhalter 1993.
Book in a series
Böhme, H. W. 1974: Germanische Grabfunde des 4. bis 5. Jahrhunderts zwischen unterer Elbe und Loire. Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte 19. München.
Footnote: Böhme 1974, 13–14, 16–17.
Chapter or part of an edited book
McKinley, J. I. 2013: Cremation: Excavation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Material from Cremation-Related Contexts. In: Nilsson-Stutz, L. – Tarlow, S. (eds): The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death and Burial. Oxford, 147–171.
Footnote: McKinley 2013, 160.
Journal article (with the title of the resume)
Ecsedy, I. 1977: Korai rézkori sírok Szabolcsból (Early Copper Age graves from Szabolcs). Folia Archaeologica 28, 11–38.
Footnote: Ecsedy 1977, 21.
Journal with no volume number
Cs. Balogh, É. 2000: Rézkori pattintott kőeszközök a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeumban (Copper Age lithics in the Hungarian National Museum). Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae, 49–64.
Footnote: Cs. Balogh 2000, 53.
Thesis or dissertation
Fenyvesi, B. 2020: Szarmata kori üvegedényes sírok az Alföldön. MA Thesis, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
Footnote: Fenyvesi 2020, 56.
Dévai, K. 2012: Késő római temetkezések üvegmellékletei Pannoniában. PhD Dissertation, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
Footnote: Dévai 2012, 45–47.
References of DOI number or URL of online publication (with full URL data)
Koncz, I. 2015: 568 – A historical date and its archaeological consequences. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 66, 315–340. DOI:
Somogyi, P. 2017: Absolute dating of Avar age belt sets using the coin-assemblage method. Hungarian Archaeology Online Autumn, 21–35. (last access: 14. 08. 2021)
Figure captions
References to figures in the text must appear in consecutive order. Please refer to all types of illustrations (images, maps, plates, etc.) as italicized (Fig. ×) in abbreviated form. A list of figures with appropriate captions and credits should be provided at the end of the manuscript text. All explanatory material and legends should be placed in captions. Captions should be set as suggested below, with credits placed in parentheses and ending with a period.
In-text references:
e.g. (Fig. 3,6), (Fig. 3,5; Fig. 5,2), (Figs 3–5)
Text under the illustration:
Fig. 1. Aerial view of the excavation (Photo: R. Smith).
Fig. 2. Details of the inscription (after Howard 1965, Pl. 23).
There is no limit of figures authors are allowed to submit, however, the number of figures should be in proportion with the length of the text.
We can accept digital images in color (CMYK) or grayscale, named using author's name, figure number and file extension (Smith_Fig_1.tif). Please ensure you named your files correctly.
We do not accept illustrations in .jpeg format. The .tiff (with layers), .png, or .pdf format illustrations with at least 300 dpi, and original .psd, .ai, or .cdr files are accepted.
In case of any questions, please contact the technical editor at
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