Évf. 2007 (2007): Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae

Preliminary report on the excavations of the Middle Palaeolithic site Vanyarc - Szlovácka-dolina

Megjelent 2007-12-31

Hogyan kell idézni

András. (2007). Preliminary report on the excavations of the Middle Palaeolithic site Vanyarc - Szlovácka-dolina. Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae, 2007, 5–15. https://doi.org/10.54640/CAH.2007.5


During the last years several new Middle Palaeolithic open-air sites with bifacial industries and high ratio of extralocal raw material were discovered by Attila Péntek in the Cserhát Mountains, Northern Hungary (MARKÓ-PÉNTEK-BÉRES 2002, MARKÓ-PÉNTEK 2003-2004). One of the most promising territory lies in the vicinity of Vanyarc (Fig. 1) where a number of surface concentrations were distinguished.