Vol. 2024 (2024): Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae
From Local to Microregional and Beyond. Papers of the session held at the 28th EAA Annual Meeting in Budapest

Petrographical and mineralogical analyses of pottery from the cemetery of Mödling-An der Goldenen Stiege (Lower Austria): Methods and preliminary results

Falko Daim
Universität Wien, Institut für Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie
Katharina Richter
Universität Wien, Institut für Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie

Published 2024-12-19


  • Petrographical pottery analysis,
  • mineralogical pottery analysis,
  • early medieval archaeology,
  • Avar archaeology

How to Cite

Sauer, R., Daim, F., & Richter, K. (2024). Petrographical and mineralogical analyses of pottery from the cemetery of Mödling-An der Goldenen Stiege (Lower Austria): Methods and preliminary results. Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae, 2024, 57–79. https://doi.org/10.54640/CAH.2024.57


Representative samples from various vessels found in an Avar cemetery at Mödling-An der Goldenen Stiege were analysed using archaeometrical methods. The samples were selected by Falko Daim in 1997. This paper gives a short overview of the methods applied for the archaeometric pottery analyses, presenting some typical examples and providing a first overview of some, still preliminary, analytic results and their interpretation. It also briefly discusses the benefits of some techniques used for these analyses.