A szuburbanizáció szakaszai, és azok térbelisége Magyarországon


  • Péter Bajmóczy
  • Imre Jakus


Suburbanization is one ofthe most important regional process in Hungary after 1990. The
reasons and the regional differences are well-known, but around 2005 the processstopped.
After a decade suburbanization started again, but we have little knowledge about the
reasons, the regional aspects and the amount ofthe new phase ofsuburbanization. In this
paper we would like to describe the extant ofsuburbanization, suburban zones and to
specify the regional differences ofthe new phase. We have also the possibility to compare
the second phase ofsuburbanization ofHungary with the first one. The amount and the
speed ofsuburbanization are very similar to the first phase, but there are large regional
differences among the two phases. In thefirstphase the population ofthe core city was the
mostimportantfactor, in the second phase the regional aspects, the location ofthe city. The
second phase ofthe suburbanization is the strongest near Budapest and near the cities of
North-western Hungary, while the speed ofthe suburbanization is much smaller comparing
thefirst phase around the cities ofSouthern and Eastern Hungary.





