Characteristics of Agglomeration and Suburbanization in the Nyíregyháza urban settlement group / suburbia


  • Erika Bácskainé Pristyák
  • Sándor Kókai


Studies show that the suburbia of Nyíregyháza clearly includes those formerly independent municipalities (Nyírszőlős, Oros, Sóstóhegy) that were administratively attached to the city and those areas of the city where new districts were developed (Sós­tógyógyfürdő, Ókistelekiszőlő, Újkistelekiszőlő, and some parts of the settle­ments around farmlands near Nyíregyháza /Sulyánbokor, Antalbokor etc./). The sub­urbia also includes the administratively independent municipalities of Nyír­te­lek, Nyír­pazony and Kótaj (Figure 1) but it does not include Nagycserkesz, Kálmánháza, Buj, Nyírtura, Sényő and Apagy even though these municipalities meet some of the ob­served criteria. The ring of settlements around Nyíregyháza proved to be too distant, especially towards west, south and southeast, with respect to suburbanization, there­fore the suburbia, which is closely linked to the core area of the city, appeared closer to the city, primarily within the administrative boundaries, since the area of the city is fairly large. According to demographic tendencies and the volume of invest­ments in the built environment some municipalities belonging to the group of settle­ments around Nyíregyháza have not been affected by mainstream sub­urbanization, thus they remained rural areas and these municipalities (commuter villages) are not considered to be part of the suburbia.





