Periphery living spaces in Hungary are the result of a long historical process, being present
mostly on the Great Plain due to natural-geographical conditions. According to
censuses’data the number of those living on peripheries started to increase after 2001,
resulting in the society of the peripheries becoming more diverse. As mostly families with
children chose to live on the peripheral parts of settlements the age structure of those living
there became younger compared to the earlier periods. People living on peripheries have
lower educational attainment than the inner city area population. Partly due to the
previously mentioned facts employment rate is lower among them and unemployment,
disability related pension and dependency is higher. The majority of those from the
periphery live – in smaller settlements mainly – in old, outdated dwellings. Even if sevententh of the existing dwellings have comfort, territorial differences are significant from
existing facilities point of view. Traditional periphely living is more determinant in the midGreat Plain, on Homokhátság, than in any other part of the country.