
  • Péter Simonyi
  • Brigitta Zsótér
  • Sándor Illés


This research on Local Economic Development (LED) took in summer 2012 in Hungary. The aim was to give scientific background for employment policy on local and general level, furthermore to support spatial planning.

Four settlements were chosen, as Besence, Mórahalom, Oszkó, Pásztó, representing different types of settlements under ten thousand inhabitants. Based on holistic approach manifold but homogenous methods were used to get relevant information about study areas. Three fields were in focus by questionnaires, in-depth and focus group interviews. Opinions, can be found in 407 questionnaires, gave basic of local economy, local products, services and local social cohesion.

In first the research on local economy put in focus not only agricultural products but processed products too. Interesting results were found on income from sale of own products or/and services by income categories. Broad patterns of supplying products/services were surveyed pointed on free or paid and on spatial aspects.

Second part on local products and services concentrates on local specialities. Which were, are and could be those ones that based historical, ethnic and local geographical background can help for LED? It was typical that agriculture was mentioned most of the time in time-scale above but there were characteristic plants for settlements (Mórahalom: tomato, paprika, vegetables; Besence: water melon; Pásztó: grape). Opinions on local food processing gave some unexpected results. Craft products were less typical but local, small-size industry were more dominant mentioned than large-size one.

Thirdly local social cohesion was outlined by methods. The friends are the most important element in social network. Religion, charity, sport, cultural, art organisation, clubs are noticeably less significant points of cohesion but they are remarkably ones too. The gender and income distribution are discussed also.

Finally it is typical for Hungary that rural life really depends on the employment, the income. If there is local employment, means there is opportunity to make a living, locals have no motivation to move from the settlement. Otherwise they want to migrate. Local governments are only able to put in focus acute problems and to solve at least part of them.


