Equal treatment foreshadows in Hungarian public law


  • Nándor Makkos




respect for tradition, equal,- peaceful,- humane,-treatment, social security


The development of today's legal content of equal treatment, the prohibition of discrimination and the creation of opportunities was facilitated not only by the Western model, but also by our national legislation, in such a way that the measures of our greatest rulers determined legislative thinking in this direction for centuries. However, the Hungarian legal system was never an autopoietic system. The classic creation of opportunities carried a significant content difference in the personification of legal protection and the protection of the official's family life then and now. However, the individual legalization of equal treatment is often overridden, covered up, modified even then, and still today, by state interests. So it is important for us to think about whether it is certain that all legal institutions containing equal treatment and measures in the direction of equal opportunities from the West must be implemented into Hungarian law without changes, or are there readings that correspond to our national history? However, we cannot consider history as a melting pot of different theories when our goal is to find positive values in the rich Hungarian historical sources of law.


