Az Egyetemes Tizedes Osztályozás húsz éve
Since the beginning of the twentieth century Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) has
become the predominant classification system employed at every level of the Hungarian
library network. The most recent Hungarian edition of the schema, containing the material
of the UDC version released in 2000, was published in 2005. The last thirty years have seen a continuous, coordinated and scientifically based revision of the system. The explicit purpose of the modifications was, aside from following the accelerated changes of
science and other knowledge areas, to render the schema’s grammar and vocabulary
easier to automate. Although the results of the first period of refactoring appear in the
aforementioned Hungarian edition, many further changes have been published in the last
twenty years. Since the National Széchényi Library joined the UDC Consortium and the
preparation of the new Hungarian online edition began, reviewing the recent changes of
UDC has become particularly pertinent.