Nevek, névterek, névadatbázisok – névkutatói megközelítésben. Gondolatok és észrevételek a Nemzeti Névtér programjának kapcsán




The paper looks at the given topic from the perspective of onomastics – the linguistically based but interdisciplinary field of the scientific study of proper names. It addresses the vast social, cultural and individual importance of proper names and the
different possibilities of their lexicographic and encyclopaedic processing. It gives insights into the main name types and the possibilities of the (digital) name dictionaries
and onomastic databases, reflecting on the project of Hungarian National Namespace
as well. It briefly discusses the problems of the basic components of the namespace and
their interpretation, and then looks in more detail at some of the practical questions of
processing certain name pools. It takes special interest in the following questions: connecting the names with the name bearers (one or more names vs one or more named
entities), dealing with names and their variants, and the completeness and accuracy of
onomastic data (and information attached), as raised by the Hungarian National Namespace project. The paper concerns itself with the currently available beta version of the
Hungarian National Namespace (, illustrating its points with relevant examples taken from there.


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How to Cite

Farkas, T. (2020). Nevek, névterek, névadatbázisok – névkutatói megközelítésben. Gondolatok és észrevételek a Nemzeti Névtér programjának kapcsán. Traditions and Challenges, 125–144.



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