Mehrsprachigkeit im Spiegel der deutsch-ungarischen Lexikografie um die Jahrhundertwende (19./20. Jh.)


  • Erzsébet Knipf ELTE; Institiute for Germanic Studies
  • Márta Müller ELTE; Institiute for Germanic Studies



German-Hungarian lexicography, language policy in Hungary at the turn of the 19th century, external and internal multilingualism, macro- and microstructures


This article examines two German-Hungarian dictionaries, edited by renowned lexicographers at the turn of the 19th/20th centuries. After the reconstruction and depiction of the political situation and language policy measures of this period, in particular concerning the concessions made for the use and status of the Hungarian and German languages in public life, the article focuses on the lexicographic information and features of loanwords (external multilingualism) and of South-, Central- and North-German regionalisms (internal multilingualism) offered by the macro- and microstructures of the examined dictionaries. The description of the trends in the lexicographic praxis gives us a brief overview about how Hungarian lexicographers dealt with the phenomenon of German multilingualism at the turn of the century.





How to Cite

Knipf, E., & Müller, M. (2022). Mehrsprachigkeit im Spiegel der deutsch-ungarischen Lexikografie um die Jahrhundertwende (19./20. Jh.). FILOGI, 2(1).