MΩMOΣ IX. The Archaeology of ritual - Proceedings of the IXth conference of researchers of prehistory (Supplementum 3.)

New Results from Megyaszó-Halom-oldal dűlő

Published 2020-02-06

How to Cite

Kósa, P. (2020). New Results from Megyaszó-Halom-oldal dűlő. Dissertationes Archaeologicae, 163–170. https://doi.org/10.17204/dissarch.suppl3.163


An excavation was carried out by the colleagues of the Herman Ottó Museum in 2013 in the vicinity of Megyaszó (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County). In the course of the excavation, a total of 10 cremation burials, a vessel connected to funerary practice, four storage or waste pits and part of a ditch were documented. In addition to the ceramic, bone and stone materials, some soil samples were also collected from the vessels during the fine dismantling of the urns. 12 samples originate from the different ceramics, while one from the middle of pit S4. Based on the results of the archaeological finds and the soil-samples’ analyses, it was attempted to outline some funerary practices of the Tumulus culture within a specific, narrow region.