2015: Ser 3. No 3.
Field reports

Preliminary report on the field surveys and excavations in the vicinity of Berettyóújfalu

Published 2016-02-16

How to Cite

Füzesi, A., Bartus, D., Fülöp, K., Juhász, L., Rupnik, L., Siklósi, Z., Szabó, G. V., Szilágyi, M., & Váczi, G. (2016). Preliminary report on the field surveys and excavations in the vicinity of Berettyóújfalu. Dissertationes Archaeologicae, 3(3), 223–239. https://doi.org/10.17204/dissarch.2015.223


The staff of the Institute of Archaeological Sciences at the Eötvös Loránd University carried out rescue excavationsprior to the construction of the M4 motorway in Hajdú-Bihar County in 2015. Within the frames of this project theopportunity was given to unearth approximately 5 hectares of a multi-period site east of the city of Berettyóújfalu.Before this excavation systematic field surveys had been carried out on the same site in a 24 hectares large area inthe frames of an OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Researh Fund) project in 2013. Thus there is a possibility to compare thedata of the fieldwalking with the results of the excavation.