2014: Ser 3. No 2.
Field reports

Geophysical prospection on the Pâture du Couvent (Bibracte, France). The campaign of 2014

Published 2015-01-16

How to Cite

Timár, L., Czajlik, Z., Bödőcs, A., & Puszta, S. (2015). Geophysical prospection on the Pâture du Couvent (Bibracte, France). The campaign of 2014. Dissertationes Archaeologicae, 3(2), 423–429. https://doi.org/10.17204/dissarch.2014.423


This article investigates the usability of ground-penetrating radar and provides a report on the geophysical survey in the zone of the Pature du Couvent on the Mont Beuvray. In 2014 a large area was explored and this paper presents how the results could be related to the excavated archaeological structures.