2013: Ser 3. No 1.
Thesis abstracts

The border- and self-defence of Szeklers from the Medieval Age till the Age of Principality. Castles and other defence objects in the settlement history of Udvarhelyszék

Published 2013-11-07

How to Cite

Sófalvi, A. (2013). The border- and self-defence of Szeklers from the Medieval Age till the Age of Principality. Castles and other defence objects in the settlement history of Udvarhelyszék. Dissertationes Archaeologicae, 3(1), 339–366. https://doi.org/10.17204/dissarch.2013.339


Abstract of PhD thesis submitted in 2013 to the Archaeology Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest under the supervision of József Laszlovszky.