2019: Ser 3. No 7.
Thesis abstracts

Noble Residences in the 15 th century Hungarian Kingdom: The Castles of Várpalota, Újlak and Kisnána in the Light of Architectural Prestige Representation

Szabolcs Balázs Nagy
Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University

Published 2020-10-16

How to Cite

Nagy, S. B. (2020). Noble Residences in the 15 th century Hungarian Kingdom: The Castles of Várpalota, Újlak and Kisnána in the Light of Architectural Prestige Representation. Dissertationes Archaeologicae, 3(7), 375–396. https://doi.org/10.17204/dissarch.2019.375


Abstract of PhD thesis submitted in 2019 to the Archaeology Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest under the supervision of István Feld.