A study of forum texts: semantic and stylistic analyses of Hungarian neologisms


  • Réka Sólyom


conceptual integration,, forum text, neologism, semantic structure, socio-cultural factors (situation and value)


The paper deals with the analysis of phenomena called neologisms according to several points of view. During the analysis it reflects on the definitions of neologisms that can be found in previous literature. The problems and heterogeneity of these definitions are shown, then a definition by which the examined phenomena can be considered as neologisms is elaborated.

In the paper two types of Hungarian neologisms (grammatically a compound and a blend that can count as a hapax legomenon) are going to be examined semantically with the help of the Conceptual Integration Theory devised by Fauconnier [1985] (1994) and Fauconnier—Turner (1998). In order to show the usage and the context of the examined words, the paper shows parts of forum texts from the internet. During the examination, features according to the socio-cultural dimensions are analysed, too.


