Studia Linguistica Hungarica 36 (2024)
Studia Linguistica Hungarica was originally a yearbook of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), under the full title of Annales Universitatis Scientiarium Budapestiensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae, Sectio linguistica. It formed part of a collection of university yearbooks in various disciplines, and served the purpose of making the results of ELTE-based research in linguistics available to an international audience beyond the iron curtain. The first volume of the yearbook appeared in 1970, and a total of 26 volumes were published by 2005. From 1990, financial problems hindered year-by-year appearance.
Throughout this period, Annales was edited by Prof. István Szathmári. The articles were written in a variety of languages including English, German, French, Latin, Russian, Spanish, and others. Thematically, they covered the most diverse fields of research on a wide range of languages.
The journal now re-appears with a new title, new editorial and advisory boards, and under very different circumstances. Studia Linguistica Hungarica publishes peer reviewed papers with a thematic focus on Hungarian and a general theoretical and typological orientation. Contributions adopting a usage-based cognitive theoretical perspective are especially, but not exclusively, welcome. The thematic scope of the journal ranges from semantics, syntax, and phonology to pragmatics, text linguistics and stylistics, from both descriptive and historical viewpoints. A single issue is published per year, with papers written in English.