Jogtörténeti Szemle 2023-11-24T14:25:17+00:00 dr. Beliznai Kinga Open Journal Systems <p>A Jogtörténeti Szemle a hazai jogtörténeti kutatások fóruma 1986 óta, amelynek kiadásában részt vesz az összes hazai felsőoktatási kutatóműhely.</p> Milestones of the Hungarian administrative (official) procedure 2023-11-14T15:53:57+00:00 Györgyi Balogh jsz@jsz.elte <p>In my article, I examine the development of the Hungarian public administration procedure from the emergence of the need for regulation to the creation of the administrative procedure of our time. The article primarily focuses on the circumstances leading to the creation of certain procedural rights, such as, the social and political environment in which the individual legislative amendments were issued, and the reasons that led to their complete replacement. Although the need for a uniform procedure has already appeared in the First World War, the law-making has not place real emphasis on the elaboration of a uniform administrative procedure law. The Act No. 20 of 1901 can be considered as the first procedural regulation and beyond that, general legal remedy system brought into line with public administrative procedures was also formed. The law, which has been in force for more than 25 years, was amended by the Act No. 30 of 1929 was replaced by an Act, but it has not represented a real change. Until 1956, the Hungarian legal development was not able to present comprehensive, summary administrative (state administration) procedural law regulations. The Act No. 4 of 1957 was a very important step in the Hungarian legal system. The creation of a law that has served the procedural system of the public administration for almost 50 years. The accelerated social and technological development justified the following procedure, the Act No. 140 of 2004 the creation of a law, which, however, did not fulfil the role of general regulation. The basic idea of the Act No. 150 of 2016 is that not all essential elements of the hundreds of procedural types can be recorded in a single law, therefore the idea of simplification played an important role in its creation. Its usability as a general code is questionable.</p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Service Pragmatics on Both Sides of the Leitha: Efforts for a Code of Law for the Civil Service in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy 2023-11-14T16:01:26+00:00 Balázs Sallai jsz@jsz.elte <p>Atörténettudományok művelői között ma már szakmai kánonnak számít az a megállapítás, amely szerint a Habsburgok hatalma a jól szervezett és magasan képzett hivatalnokrétegre épült. Magyarországon, bár a szakképzett hivatalnoki réteg jóval később alakult ki, az állami adminisztrációt működtető személyeken állt vagy bukott a központi akarat végrehajtása. Az Osztrák–Magyar Monarchia két felén élő tisztviselők anyagi és társadalmi helyzete másként alakult, ám egy törekvésük mégis hasonló utat járt be: a szolgálati pragmatika, vagyis a köztisztviselők jogait és kötelezettségeit összefoglaló törvénykönyv elkészítését a Lajta mindkét oldalán hasonlóan fontosnak tartották. Ebben a tanulmányban e két kodifikációs folyamatot igyekszem felvázolni, elemezni, kimutatva a párhuzamokat és különbségeket. A kodifikáció folyamata – főként egy olyan átpolitizált területen, mint a közszolgálat – azonban nehezen érthető meg a társadalmi és történelmi kontextus hiányában, ezért a tanulmány a szükséges mértékben ezekről is szól, úgymint az osztrák bürokrácia kialakulása, tendenciái és válsága, valamint a magyar közszolgálat kezdetei és a közszolgálati kódex <br />körüli politikai miliő. A szolgálati pragmatikáért folytatott erőfeszítések csak néhány helyen vezettek eredményre Európában, de ahol e törekvés megvalósult – a legjobb példa talán az 1873. évi német <em>Reichsbeamtengesetz</em> –, ott a kódexet alkotmányos biztosítékként és a kibontakozó jogállamiság egyik garanciájának titulálták.</p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jogtörténeti Szemle Reception of the work of Győző Concha from 1918 to 1945 2023-11-14T16:07:54+00:00 Tamás Vasas jsz@jsz.elte <p>The most relevant works of the reception of Concha between 1918 and 1945 (Rezső Rusznák: Meaning and Content of Forms of Government) examines European forms of government and state models in detail in the light of the crisis of parliamentarism, the function of forms of government and totalitarian aspirations. The starting point of the work is the political philosophy of ancient Greece, on which Concha also builds his constitutional theory. In the work, Rusznák refers to and justifies Concha’s theses on the concept of sovereignty, the organic theory of the state, the personality of the state and the form of the concept of parliamentary government. Later eulogies and birthday greetings mention Concha as the master of Hungarian administrative lawyers. Many also emphasize the uniqueness of his work, which in his way of thinking preserved and confirmed the independent and autonomous values of Hungarian factors and characteristics.</p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 A demokrácia legrövidebb története korántsem rövid 2023-11-14T16:25:56+00:00 Gergely Gosztonyi jsz@jsz.elte <p>Az angolszász szakirodalomban hosszú hagyománya van a „Röviden a …-ról” sorozatoknak. Ebbe a vonalba illeszthető John Keane A demokrácia legrövidebb története című könyve is, amelynek magyar fordítását – Bartók Imre értő tolmácsolásában – az Athenaeum Kiadó már az eredeti mű megjelenésének évében, 2022-ben kiadta. A címadás kapcsán Bajomi-Lázár Péter fogalmazott tűpontosan: „a variációk demokráciára cím talán pontosabb lett volna”, hiszen a szerző a demokráciák legkorábbi formáinak tekinthető népgyűlések bemutatásától egészen a 20–21. századi problémákig (a nekünk oly jól ismert népi és illiberális demokráciákig) vezeti végig olvasóját. A kötet olvasása közben az érdeklődést végig fenntartja a mű, hiszen a szöveg mindvégig <br />a tudományos ismeretterjesztés legszebb oldalát mutatja: olvasmányos és gördülékeny, ugyanakkor mindez nem megy a tudományos megalapozottság rovására. A szerző a demokráciákat három fő kategóriába osztja fel: a részvételi, a képviseleti és az ellenőrző típusúakra, és a könyv fejezetei is e szerint tagozódnak.</p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 A jog térigénye és látványa 2023-11-14T16:27:52+00:00 Réka Nagy jsz@jsz.elte 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ügyvédek és ügyvédség Zalában 2023-11-14T16:32:01+00:00 Viktor Papp jsz@jsz.elte 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Számvetés a sorsokkal Recenzió Lévai Csaba A förtelmes kereskedelem című munkájáról 2023-11-14T16:34:58+00:00 Kristóf Urbán jsz@jsz.elte 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Origin of the Grand Jury and the Assize of Clarendon (1166) 2023-11-14T16:14:32+00:00 Antal Tamás jsz@jsz.elte <p>The history of the English jury starts with many questions. For instance, the origin of the regulative assizes, the source of grand juries and trial juries, the influence of other legal systems are still the subjects of professional disputations in Great Britain. From among these the author gives an introduction to the reforms of King Henry II of England who is supposed being one of the “fathers” of the early juries or bodies of twelve sworn lawful men of the county to present facts about dangerous wrongdoers. <br>The most emblematic legal source to this topic is the Assize of Clarendon (1166). One can read a brief summary about the process led to this special piece of law and the documented origin of the very first juries.</p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The history of legal education in Hungary during the First World War, with particular reference to the Franz Joseph University of Cluj-Napoca 2023-11-09T08:25:05+00:00 Ildikó Ámán jsz@ajk.elte <p>One of the primary tasks of the new governments after the wars is usually the organization of education, therefore it <br />is necessary to see, which the points are, where the First World War significantly affected the Franz Joseph University of Cluj-Napoca. During the war, they tried to keep the university alive in the same way as before, since sub auspiciis Regis initiations and professorial appointments took <br />place. In the meantime, the number of students decreased significantly, parallel to this, war-themed lectures began to be held, while the launch of the two new universities <br />(Bratislava, Debrecen) also ran into difficulties. A special case has appeared that could not only affect the jurists: the <br />case of missing diplomas, which is even more decisive in a wartime period, since the employment of civil servants with a degree in law was essential for the newly established governments in the coming consolidation period. Ceremonial inaugurations could also serve as pillars in the war-torn country, as they maintained the appearance of a peaceful state while the country was at war. A significant part of the newly initiated were war veterans, thus they <br />could set an example of patriotism for their peers present at the inauguration. Maintaining of the appearance of a <br />peace period referred to above was also the professor’s scientific lectures in Cluj-Napoca, which touched on war <br />topics one by one, but mostly from the university professors’ specialist approach.</p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Romanian agrarian reform after the First World War as a means of building the nation state 2023-11-10T09:58:05+00:00 Zoltán József Fazakas jsz@ajk.elte <p>From 1866 Romania declared the principle of a unified nation-state, and from 1848 it pursued the goal of homogeneous unification of all Romanians in one state. The territorial and population growth that followed Romania’s victory in World War I decisively changed the country’s homogeneous social relations, but the homogeneous state goal of Greater Romania remained unchanged and was both realized and finallí failed within the new state borders. A prominent element of the nation-state program<br>was the agrarian reform implemented after the World War I. The contradiction between the declared legal policy and the realized state goal of the reform illustrates not only the distortions of the rule of law, but also its anti-minority attitude. While the stated goal was to make social relations more equitable, in reality it served to make it impossible for national and religious minorities to own property as a means of building the nation-state. The study examines the constitutional foundations and partial legislation of<br>land reform in Romania, the historical and legal process that justified the above results. The analysis of the legislation is complemented by a description of the cases of Romanian agrarian reform procedures carried out within the framework of the minority protection system created after the World War I.</p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jogtörténeti Szemle The Crime of Armed Robbery in the Second Half of the 19th Century 2023-11-10T10:04:42+00:00 Mariann Minkó-Miskovics jsz@ajk.elte <p>The crime of robbery has always been the most dangerous violent crime against property and was also included in the first modern criminal code of Hungary, the Codex Csemegi. The crime of robbery, contrary to the currently effective regulations, did not cover the qualification of ‘armed’. This, however, does not mean that the crime of armed robbery has not existed: it has developed through the judicial practice in the second half of the 19th century. Through the judicial practice, the qualifications of ‘armed’ and ‘committed with a deadly weapon’ started to evolve and to differentiate from each other. Along with the judicial practice, the legal literature has also worked with the crime of armed robbery as after the Codex Csemegi was accepted, the legal experts analysed in details the crime of armed robbery. While covering this crime, these legal experts also analysed the results of the German legal praxis and legal literature in this area. The aim of the present study is to show how the crime of armed robbery was introduced to the Codex Csemegi and in the legal praxis and how these laws and praxis were affected by the German law, praxis and legal literature.</p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jogtörténeti Szemle The investigating judge and the investigation in the old Hungarian criminal procedure 2023-11-14T15:37:08+00:00 György László Székely jsz@jsz.elte <p>The investigating judge (or examining magistrate) is a characteristic figure of the crime stories, but it was also a significant person of the criminal process in Europe for several centuries. In the codified law of Hungary the investigating judge appeared with the first criminal procedural code: the Act No. 33 of 1896 (on the model of the French mixed system of the criminal procedural code of 1808), but the investigation phase of the criminal process conducted by a judge had been already known in the feudalism as well. This legal institute was finally abolished in our country in 1950, but there are countries (for example France) where the investigation judge still <br>operates nowadays as well. In my study I first review the historical antecedents of the development of the inquiry phase, and then analyse the legal characteristic of the inquiry and the investigation judge in the feudalism and in the civil era. After this I overview the main legal rules of the inquiry phase and the investigation judge in the first Hungarian criminal procedural code, and the legal practical experiences of this era. Finally I present the most important criticisms of this legal institute and the possible reasons of its termination.</p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Báró Titus Karger (1808–1860) – A Monarchia elfeledett tisztje 2023-11-14T16:17:50+00:00 Vladimir Huzjan jsz@jsz.elte <p>Titus Karger báró (1808–1860) a horvát és a magyar nemzeti történelem szempontjából egyaránt jelentős történelmi figura, aki egy döntő pillanatban felfedezte az elásott magyar koronázási jelvényeket – a Szent Koronát, a jogart és az országalmát –, amelyek nélkül Ferenc Józsefet és mást sem lehetett volna magyar és horvát királlyá koronázni. Titus Karger életének utolsó három évét Varasdon töltötte nagynénje, Maria Floriana Karger (1777–1859) közelében. Ennek ellenére varasdi élete nehezen rekonstruálható, mivel kevés vele kapcsolatos levéltári anyag és csak néhány tárgyi emlék, például egy album az utazásai során készült rajzokkal, egy távcső és a névjegykártyája maradt utána. Legfontosabb hagyatéka talán a sírja Varasdon, amelyet még a 20. század első felében is rendszeresen látogattak a magyar turisták. Ma már elhanyagolt, de személyének és érdemeinek jelentősége miatt a jövőben nagyobb figyelmet kellene fordítani rá.</p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Hírek 2023-11-14T16:40:01+00:00 Kinga Beliznai jsz@jsz.elte 2023-11-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023