Italogramma <p>A folyóirat olasz és angol nyelven nemzetközi peer-reviewed cikkeket és recenziókat közöl az olasz irodalom, színház, nyelvészet, történelem és kultúra tárgykörében.</p> it-IT (Dr. Fried Ilona) (Dr. Szigetvári Péter) Fri, 08 Sep 2023 08:41:46 +0000 OJS 60 Lessico ed emozioni con la poesia <p>How do children learn to adequately express their emotions? Any adult tutoring children is aware of the importance they give to this personal competence. What, however, are the words used during these “special experiences”? They are lemmas of a volitional type, such as wanting, desiring, hoping, preferring; lemmas of an emotional type, such as happy, sad, including those that refer <br>to the behavioral aspect of emotions (smiling, crying ...). Poetry with sounds, rhythm, blurry words plays a special role in learning the emotional vocabulary as it is able to promote, through empathy, the memorization of words that express feelings and emotions.</p> Franca Bosc Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 La famiglia italiana ieri e oggi: la svolta del Novecento <p>The Twentieth Century has witnessed great transformations in the family realm both from a social and a legal perspective. This is particularly the case around 1970 when Law no. 898 («Legislation of Cases of Dissolution of Marriage» / «Disciplina dei casi di scioglimento del matrimonio») was passed, which was a «necessary prerequisite» of Law no. 151 1975 («Reform of Family Law» / «Riforma del diritto di famiglia»), often identified as the basis for a new family law framework. Relying mostly on the evolution of the institutions of marriage and filiation, we shall see that the revolution triggered by Law no. 151/1975 is far from over.</p> Caroline Savi Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Prefazione Silvia Contarini Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Da lettori a naviganti. Spunti e riflessioni sul quotidiano cartaceo e l’informazione online in Italia <p>The current crisis of printed newspapers generates several questions about their future in the digital age, in the light of the traditional role they played in public opinion from the 1800s to the end of the 1900s.</p> Donatella Cherubini Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 L’italia nello specchio del “noir” <p>The term “noir” is often used nowadays as a synonym to “detective story”, sometimes without a clear differentiation between the two. In fact, “noir” refers to a recent phase of the “detective, crime novel” (in Italian: “giallo”), its “tougher”, more realistic version, with contexts and situations permeated with a more modern form of violence: sometimes organized, more brutal and more cynical.<br>Today’s “noir” can be traced back to the American “detective story” of the 1930s (that of the “hard boiled” genre) whereas the Italian “noir” finds its roots in the more modern phase of the detective literature (from the 1960s up to now), when the tale of mystery, the criminal novel, evolves in a country which, together with its development, is also developing negative features.<br>This work examines publications that can be defined as representatives of the genres (and sub genres) of the “mystery literature” of the past years, giving an insight into the debate on the difference between the detective and the recently evolved noir literature (and on these two genres in general). It also considers the respective initiatives to publish them , their presence in the cultural pages of newspapers and media, the discussions on the characteristics and the status of the two genres, with hints to works and writers as for example, among the others, Giancarlo De Cataldo, Loriano Macchiavelli, Hans Tuzzi, Cristina Cassar Scalia, Grazia Verasani, Gianrico Carofiglio, Valerio Varesi, Alessandro Robecchi, Nino Motta (Paolo Di Stefano).</p> Elvio Guagnini Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Benedetta Cappa Marinetti e Růžena Zàtkovà: due futuriste tra sperimentalismo e teosofia <p>Benedetta Cappa (1897–1977), wife of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and a pupil of Giacomo Balla, was an artist, a writer, a theorist who made a significant contribution to the history of the avant-garde and to the artistic research of&nbsp; the early Twentieth Century. His pictorial and literary production is nourished&nbsp; by a strong idealistic aspiration, which finds support and inspiration in the <br>contemporary milieu of esoteric irrationalism, whose different currents were&nbsp; well known even by many futurists. She herself, moreover, since her formative&nbsp; years, was in close contact with environments and personalities permeated&nbsp; with theosophical ideals, especially, among others, with the Bohemian artist Růžena Zàtkovà and with Balla himself.</p> Simona Cigliani Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Centre de Recherches Italiennes – CRIX) Dalla parte delle scrittrici: Alba de Céspedes <p>What should remain of the literary 20th century? Despite the efforts made, particularly in the last decades of the last century, by feminists and intellectuals to re-evaluate the works of unjustly marginalized women writers, the current canon still does not give them the prominent place they deserve. Dalla parte di lei (1949), by Alba de Céspedes, represents singular, but not individual, case of novels by women writers which, despite having been well received by the public and the critics when it came out seem to have fallen into oblivion. Despite the recent revival, particularly in the field of feminist criticism, which allowed de Céspedes’ work to be published in the Meridiani (2011), the writer’s novels remain little read and little studied. This article aims to highlight their formal <br>and content-related qualities that should make them reference works of the 20th century.</p> Silvia Contarini Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Letteratura e memoria: lo sguardo della donna sulla storia del Sudtirolo <p>The historical novels analysed express the wish to contribute to a deeper understanding of the “other”, by showing the consequences of historical events on the private lives of the excluded, primarily women. Francesca Melandri recounts the history of the region from the perspective of the women of the Huber family, attesting to the need to open up and embrace diversity. Lilli Gruber confronts taboo subjects in the German-speaking community by denouncing complicity with Nazism and international terrorist plots. Anna Rottensteiner shows the pervasiveness of fascism and the high price of disillusionment. Astrid Kofler, in contrast to the stereotype of the fascist teacher, presents a teacher who is attentive to the needs of her pupils, criticises the situation of women of the period, the social exclusion of Roma and traveller communities and the problem of their integration.</p> Adriana Vignazia Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digiunatori e cannibali. Il rapporto tra morale e successo nella filosofia di Guido e Giorgio Voghera <p>In times like ours, in the first decades of the third millennium, when violence and oppression of the weaker have become again means of politics, it seems appropriate to present considerations emerged in the first decades of the 20th century in a multicultural mitteleuropean context with a strong jewish connotation. These considerations, recorded by the Triestinian writer Giorgio Voghera <br>in the Pamphlet postumo of 1967, are based on the ideas of his father Guido, mathematicion, inventor and umanist. They refer to the ethical anti-selection (“antiselezione etica”) on the way to success, which appears as an inversion of Hegel’s dialectics, but also of darwinistic ideologies. A bulwark against the evils of society provoked by the prepotency of the so called “spiriti acquisitativi”, <br>who feel free of moral inhibitions in the choice of their means, can be found only in the absolut respect for the orthodoxy of means (“ortodossia dei mezzi”), i.e. often in self-limitation and voluntary.</p> Renate Lunzer Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Il Dante Working class di Alberto Prunetti <p>In the latest novel by Alberto Prunetti’s Working-Class Trilogy, Nel girone dei <br>bestemmiatori. Una commedia operaia (Laterza 2020), the “working-class” experience of the author’s father, Renato, is integrated in a process of parodic rewriting that involves Dante Alighieri’s Inferno and the “Hell” of the Italian proletarian condition in the second half of the 20th century. This article will firstly&nbsp; underline the analogies and divergences between Prunetti’s novel and Dante’s <br>archetype, while, in a second step, the similarities between Prunetti’s narrative and Dante’s poetry will be highlighted according to what has already been&nbsp; consolidated in the first two volumes of the trilogy (stylistic contrasts, linguistic expressionism, abundance of regionalisms and Tuscanisms – multilingualism – elevated metaphorism). The aborted journey into the afterlife (the denial of <br>paradise and the spectacular “comeback”) will be read in the conclusion as a narrative choice dictated by the particular Prunetti’s Sehnsucht: the nostalgia for a future with ideas already collectively experienced.</p> Alessandro Benucci Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 La fine del Novecento teatrale tra storia e storiografia <p>The first historiographical effort to build a history of 20th century theatre is to identify the chronological coordinates that circumscribe it. It is a problem that concerns more the historiographical approach to the subject than the search for a historical truth. The question of the beginning and the end of the century, in fact, mainly concerns the critical analysis and the point of view from which the phenomena are observed. The historiographical problem is not to establish a possible date to start or end the twentieth century, but to establish what meaning we attribute to these extremes. If for the beginning of the twentieth <br>century the critical debate has come to some conclusions more or less shared, the question of the end of the twentieth century is still open. The aim of the essay is to examine the subject through the analysis of some critical positions and some artistic experiences. Guccini, Schechner and De Marinis’ studies pose the problem of how stage practice and the idea of theatre were transformed in the eighties identifying at that time a break in the process of twentieth-century innovation. In many ways the same happens in artistic production as evidenced by Federico Tiezzi. It is not a process of regression but a new approach to language that starts from the principle of modern as classicism and from the idea that research on language is transformed into the practice of the spoken language of the contemporary.</p> Lorenzo Mango Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Dall’animazione al laboratorio: trasformazioni, strutture e protagonisti del teatro nella scuola <p>In Italy, theatrical practice is not organically integrated into the mandatory educational curriculum, but is part of the integrative activities that are freely decided and implemented by the individual schools. Nevertheless, theatre does not occupy a secondary position. On the contrary, the institutional fluidity of the Italian system allows for extremely varied and widespread scenic <br>and workshop activities, and a special integration between the school and the experimental theatre. In fact, the history of the renewal of the Italian school is closely connected to that of the theatrical renewal. This essay is devoted to their mutual connection from the sixties up to the present day.</p> Gerardo Guccini Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 “Anche l’Ungheria ebbe sulla scena il suo quarto d’ora di gloria” <p>In the interwar years Hungarian prose and comedy enjoyed international fame.&nbsp; Ferenc Molnár was the leading playwright among internationally renowned Hungarian authors. My contribution tries to shed light on the reception of Ferenc Molnár in Italy by <br>one of the greatest theater critics of the time, Silvio d’Amico. Molnár, whose novel The Paul Street Boys is still widely read in Italy, has been almost completely missing from the Italian stages in recent decades. Despite the negative opinion of Franco Quadri in 1996, partially quoted in the title of this article, it must be emphasized that in recent decades Molnár has been acknowledged by <br>some theatergoers and international scholars as one of the most outstanding playwrights of the twentieth century. The article highlights the appreciation of Molnár’s dramaturgy: its great originality and its overcoming the limitations of the bourgeois comedy thanks to his exceptional sense of humor, the unexpected situations, and the brilliant dialogues that provide a glimpse into a particular cultural atmosphere of a modern society. Although Silvio d’Amico finds Molnár to be a really good playwright, he fails to understand his true stature.</p> Ilona Fried Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 In nome del corpo: Mauro Covacich e James Joyce a confronto <p>This paper focuses on the comparison between some common human and artistic traits of two authors, Mauro Covacich and James Joyce, who, despite working in different historical times and ways, shared the same urban spaces and similar life paths. The aim is to demonstrate how body dimension is central to the personal and literary experience of both writers. The occasion for these reflections was a lecture-monologue held by Covacich, which took place in 2022 in Trieste. It was an event organized at the Bloomsday festival where he presented Joyce’s work, in particular Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, using different keywords like ear, tongue, eye, arm, inner ear and genitals, ending with the mind. There are several autobiographical notes that Covacich refers to in <br>his comparison with the Irish writer, revealing an affinity that takes different forms. On the basis of these considerations, it seems reasonable to invite Covacich’s readers to use the same interpretative criteria proposed by the author for Joyce’s work in order to render their compelling copo a corpo.</p> Caterina Di Bella Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000