Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024)
Current Research

Re-Evaluating the Eleventh Century through Linked Events and Entities

Tara Andrews
Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, Department of History, University of Vienna
Márton Rózsa
Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, Department of History, University of Vienna
Katalin Prajda
Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, Department of History, University of Vienna
Lewis Read
Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, Department of History, University of Vienna
Aleksandar Anđelović
Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, Department of History, University of Vienna

Published 24-07-2024


  • digital history,
  • data modelling,
  • Medieval Studies,
  • Eastern Christianity,
  • eleventh century

How to Cite

Andrews, Tara, Márton Rózsa, Katalin Prajda, Lewis Read, and Aleksandar Anđelović. 2024. “Re-Evaluating the Eleventh Century through Linked Events and Entities”. Historical Studies on Central Europe 4 (1):217-45. https://doi.org/10.47074/HSCE.2024-1.12.


This report presents the aims and ongoing progress of the ERC-funded project “Re-Evaluating the Eleventh Century through Linked Events and Entities” (Grant #101002357). We introduce the rationale for the project and the innovative solution for recording historical data that we have developed, known as the STAR model. We then give details of the four case studies undertaken in the project, which will shed new light on the movement of people, the understanding of place and space, and the production of texts within and among Christian societies of the eleventh century. Through the work of this project, we hope to be able to represent, examine, and illustrate the multiplicity of perspectives and interpretations that arise in the history of a century that was so pivotal to the development of the modern Near East and Europe.