
Current IssueVol 4, No 1 (2024)

Published 24 July 2024

Table of Contents

Ecclesiastical Remedies for the Uncertainties of Everyday Life

On the Legal and Governmental History of the Principality of Transylvania

Literary and Linguistic Study to the Árpád Era

Current Research

Book Reviews

Stadt im Wandel / Towns in Change. Der Donau-Karpatenraum im langen 18. Jahrhundert / The Danube-Carpathian Area in the Long 18th Century. Edited by Mathias Beer, Harald Heppner, and Ulrike Tischler-Hofer. : Neue Forschungen zur ostmittel- und südosteuropäischen Geschichte / New Researches on East Central and South East European History / Recherches nouvelles sur l’histoire de l’Europe centrale et orientale 13. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2023. 456 pp.
Mária Lengyel
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