OPAC 2.0 at ELTE VuFind, the Web 2.0 Technology Based Library Search Engine


  • Gabriella Virág




For readers who are used to web applications, it can be frustrating to use outdated library catalogues, not to mention that they need to search in multiple databases and catalogues in order to find information. With the use of connected search engines and discovery tools, libraries can provide one box search interface for their users, reducing the amount of time they have to spend with searching. With the use of the open-source library search tool called VuFind the catalogue of the ELTE University Library Services and EDIT (ELTE Digital Institutional Repository) can be searched on the same interface having an opportunity to use subscription based databases at the same time. From now on we can provide a next generation catalogue for users at ELTE that is responsive, can be modified on demand, has relevance based search, filtering options and web 2.0 functions.


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How to Cite

Virág, G. (2017). OPAC 2.0 at ELTE VuFind, the Web 2.0 Technology Based Library Search Engine. Traditions and Challenges, 179–190. https://doi.org/10.21862/HagyKihiv_2016.179