@incollection{arany_valami_1962, address = {Budapest}, title = {Valami az asszonáncról}, language = {hu}, booktitle = {Arany {János} összes művei {X}. kötet {Prózai} művek 1.}, publisher = {Akadémiai Kiadó}, author = {Arany, János}, editor = {Keresztury, Dezső}, year = {1962}, pages = {213--217}, } @misc{noauthor_az_nodate, title = {Az {UD} szabvány magyar nyelvre való alkalmazását lásd az alábbi címen, hozzáférés}, url = {https://universaldependencies.org/treebanks/hu_szeged/index.html}, language = {hu}, note = {hozzáférés: 2020.01.19}, } @incollection{navarro-colorado_computational_2015, address = {Denver}, title = {A {Computational} {Linguistic} {Approach} to {Spanish} {Golden} {Age} {Sonnets}: {Metrical} and {Semantic} {Aspects}}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3115/v1/w15-0712}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Fourth} {Workshop} on {Computational} {Linguistics} for {Literature}}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, author = {Navarro-Colorado, Borja}, editor = {Feldman, Anna and Kazantseva, Anna and Szpakowicz, Stan}, year = {2015}, pages = {105--113}, } @incollection{navarro-colorado_metrical_2016, address = {Portorož}, title = {Metrical {Annotation} of a {Large} {Corpus} of {Spanish} {Sonnets}: {Representation}, {Scansion} and {Evaluation}}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th {Edition} of the {Language} {Resources} and {Evaluation} {Conference} ({LREC} 2016)}, publisher = {ELRA}, author = {Navarro-Colorado, Borja and Lafoz, Marí Ribes and Sánchez, Noelia}, editor = {Calzolari, Nicoletta and Choukri, Khalid and Declerck, Thierry and Goggi, Sara and Grobelnik, Marko and Maegaard, Bente and Mariani, Joseph and Mazo, Helene and Moreno, Asuncion and Odijk, Jan and Piperidis, Stelios}, year = {2016}, pages = {4360--4364}, } @misc{hartman_scandroid_nodate, title = {The {Scandroid}. {Version} 1.1. 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= {Calzolari, Nicoletta and Choukri, Khalid and Declerck, Thierry and Loftsson, Hrafn and Maegaard, Bente and Mariani, Joseph and Moreno, Asuncion and Odijk, Jan and Piperidis, Stelios}, year = {2014}, pages = {1719--1723}, } @incollection{indig_emtsv_2019, address = {Szeged}, title = {emtsv – {Egy} formátum mind felett}, language = {hu}, booktitle = {{XV}. {Magyar} {Számítógépes} {Nyelvészeti} {Konferencia}}, publisher = {Szegedi Tudományegyetem TTIK, Informatikai Intézet}, author = {Indig, Balázs and Sass, Bálint and Simon, Eszter and Mittelholcz, Iván and Kundráth, Péter and Vadász, Noémi}, editor = {Berend, Gábor and Gosztolya, Gábor and Vincze, Veronika}, year = {2019}, pages = {235--247}, } @book{jozsef_jozsef_2005, address = {Budapest}, title = {József {Attila} összes versei}, language = {hu}, publisher = {Balassi Kiadó}, author = {József, Attila}, editor = {Stoll, Béla}, year = {2005}, } @incollection{kao_computational_2012, address = {Montréal}, title = {A {Computational} 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{Plamondon, Marc R.}, year = {2006}, pages = {127--141}, } @incollection{martonfi_egy_2008, address = {Budapest}, title = {Egy magyar rímszótár terve}, language = {hu}, booktitle = {„{Mielz} valt mesure / que ne fait estultie”: {A} hatvanéves {Horváth} {Iván} tiszteletére}, publisher = {Krónika Nova Kiadó}, author = {Mártonfi, Attila}, editor = {Bartók, István and He­ge­düs, Béla and Se­láf, Le­ven­te and Szegedy-Maszák, Mi­hály and Szent­pé­te­ri, Már­ton and Ve­res, And­rás}, year = {2008}, pages = {198--204}, } @article{martonfi_szamitogep_2014, title = {Számítógép és írói szótár – különös tekintettel a készülő {József} {Attila} szótárra}, volume = {110}, language = {hu}, number = {1}, journal = {Magyar Nyelv}, author = {Mártonfi, Attila}, year = {2014}, pages = {30--46}, } @incollection{mittelholcz_emtoken_2017, address = {Szeged}, title = {{emToken}: {Unicode}- képes tokenizáló magyar nyelvre}, language = {hu}, booktitle = {{XIII}. {Magyar} {Számítógépes} {Nyelvészeti} {Konferencia}}, publisher = {Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Informatikai Intézet}, author = {Mittelholcz, Iván}, editor = {Vincze, Veronika}, year = {2017}, pages = {61--69}, } @incollection{novak_az_2017, address = {Szeged}, title = {Az {emMorph} morfológiai elemző annotációs formalizmusa}, language = {hu}, booktitle = {{XIII}. {Magyar} {Számítógépes} {Nyelvészeti} {Konferencia}}, publisher = {Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Informatikai Intézet}, author = {Novák, Attila and Rebrus, Péter and Ludányi, Zsófia}, editor = {Vincze, Veronika}, year = {2017}, pages = {70--78}, } @article{plechac_corpus_2015, title = {The {Corpus} of {Czech} {Verse}}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, journal = {Studia Metrica et Poetica}, author = {Plecháč, Petr and Kolár, Robert}, year = {2015}, pages = {107--118}, } @incollection{ibrahim_toward_2011, address = {Lüdenscheid}, title = {Toward {Automatic} {Analysis} of {Czech} {Verse}}, booktitle = {Formal {Methods} in {Poetics}}, publisher = {RAM}, author = {Ibrahim, Robert and Plecháč, Petr}, editor = {P. Scherr, Barry and Baily, James and Kazartsev, Evgeny V.}, year = {2011}, pages = {295--305}, } @article{simon_magyar_2012, title = {A magyar rím fonológiai leírása funkcionális- kognitív megközelítésben}, volume = {136}, language = {hu}, number = {2}, journal = {Magyar Nyelvőr}, author = {Simon, Gábor}, year = {2012}, pages = {65--82}, } @book{simon_egy_2014, address = {Budapest}, title = {Egy kognitív poétikai rímelmélet megalapozása}, language = {hu}, publisher = {Tinta Könyvkiadó}, author = {Simon, Gábor}, year = {2014}, } @article{szepe_nyelveszeti_1969, title = {Nyelvészeti jegyzetek {Arany} {Jánosnak} »{Valami} az asszonánczról« című tanulmányáról}, volume = {93}, language = {hu}, journal = {Magyar Nyelvőr}, author = {Szépe, György}, year = {1969}, pages = {1--32}, } @book{szepes_verstan_1981, address = {Budapest}, title = {Verstan}, language = {hu}, publisher = {Gondolat Kiadó}, author = {Szepes, Erika and Szerdahelyi, István}, year = {1981}, } @misc{consortium_tei_nodate, title = {{TEI} {P5} : {Guidelines} for {Electronic} {Text} {Encoding} and {Interchange}. {Version} 3.5.0. (2019)}, url = {https://tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/Guidelines.pdf}, author = {Consortium, T.E.I.}, note = {hozzáférés: 2020.01.19}, } @incollection{varadi_az_2017, address = {Szeged}, title = {Az e-magyar digitális nyelvfeldolgozó rendszer}, language = {hu}, booktitle = {{XIII}. {Magyar} {Számítógépes} {Nyelvészeti} {Konferencia}}, publisher = {Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Informatikai Intézet}, author = {Váradi, Tamás and Simon, Eszter and Sass, Bálint and Gerőcs, Mátyás and Mittelholtz, Iván and Novák, Attila and Indig, Balázs and Prószéky, Gábor}, editor = {Vincze, Veronika}, year = {2017}, pages = {49--60}, }