Central-European Journal of New Technologies in Research, Education and Practice https://ojs.elte.hu/cejntrep <p><strong>Founded by </strong>STOFFA Veronika and ZSAKÓ László in 2019.<br /><strong>Published by</strong> <a href="https://www.elte.hu/">Eötvös Loránd University</a>, <br /><a href="https://www.inf.elte.hu/en/">Faculty of Informatics</a>, Pázmány Péter sny. 1/C, H-1117 Budapest<br /><strong>Responsible publisher: </strong>Dr. KOZSIK Tamás, Dean of ELTE Faculty of Informatics.<br /><strong>Responsible editors</strong> STOFFA Veronika and ZSAKÓ László.<br /><strong>ISSN</strong> <strong>2676-9425</strong> (online)<br /><span class="style36" lang="en-us"><strong>Published since 2019<br />Publishing schedule:</strong> Our journal is published semiannually. Any supplementary or special issues may be published. Please watch our announcements.<br /><strong>Advertising:</strong> CEJNTREP currently does not operate advertised products or services.<br /><strong>Direct marketing:</strong> Journal propagation has been done through the journal website. Invitations to submit a manuscript are usually focused on presenters at conferences if the topic is related to the journal's aims and scope.<br /><strong>Archiving: </strong>The magazine is archived under <a href="https://edit.elte.hu/xmlui/handle/10831/77476" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ELTE EDIT</a></span></p> <p><em>CEJNTREP</em> offers without any charge its papers since its publication, as well as permits for any of its users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or add a link to the complete texto of the paper, whenever doing it responsibly and mentioning the original.</p> <hr /> <p>The <strong>Central-European Journal of</strong> <strong>New Technologies in Research, Education and Practice (CEJNTREP)</strong> is an independent, scientific journal that is focused on publishing of the results of researches, theoretical studies and professional works. The aim of the journal is to introduce the latest findings from the field of sciences, computing and technologies including education, information and communication technologies. Further purpose is to enable the authors (teachers, researchers, scientists) to present the results of their own scientific research and professional activities with a special focus on the didactical aspects of education. The journal is designed mainly for teachers who teach subjects in the area of materials and technologies, information communication and other digital technologies at different schools, or use modern digital technologies and ICT in education, also for doctoral, postgraduate, and for talented students.</p> <p>The journal is based on the over 30-years traditions of the DidMatTech International Scientific Conference, which currently functions as a “wandering” event among the V4 states. This is accompanied by more than 10 years of experience at the InfoDidact conference. The authors of the articles consist mainly of participants of these 2 conferences, who are given the opportunity to present their valuable results in their research work.</p> <p>With its <strong>double blind peer-reviewed</strong> format, the journal publishes original research and review articles. The <a href="https://ojs.elte.hu/cejntrep/about/editorialTeam">editorial board</a> deals with the received manuscripts continuously and immediately starts the review process. Our journal <strong>do not charge submission fees, nor publication fees</strong>.</p> Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics en-US Central-European Journal of New Technologies in Research, Education and Practice 2676-9425 Educational Issues Raised by the Availability of the Quantum Computer https://ojs.elte.hu/cejntrep/article/view/5051 <p>The development of quantum computers is bringing major changes to the IT sector. These computers, based on completely new principles, can provide effective solutions to previously unsolvable problems. Regulations have already been introduced in the European Union and Hungarian law to confirm that we are getting closer to the era of quantum computers. Therefore, we believe that education and teachers should follow the development of these machines so that future students in the field of information technology, whether they are IT teachers, physicists, or programmers, are not caught unawares. In this article, we present some examples from abroad where quantum computing topics are already included at certain levels of education.</p> Ferenc Koczka Csilla Prantner Csaba Bíro Copyright (c) 2023 Central-European Journal of New Technologies in Research, Education and Practice 2023-05-09 2023-05-09 5 1 1 17 10.36427/CEJNTREP.5.1.5051 Chatbot Development using APIs and Integration into the MOOC https://ojs.elte.hu/cejntrep/article/view/5041 <div> <p class="abstract">In recent years, chatbot technologies have evolved into modern information and communication technology applications that perform many virtual tasks, including learning. One of the challenges in improving the chatbot is the insufficient knowledge base of chatbots, including education-oriented conversational agents, the challenges in connecting the chatbot with course content on Massive Open Online Course platforms. In this study, a chatbot was developed to answer questions using publicly available technologies, specifically Application Program Interfaces (APIs) that promise convenient user accessibility via APIs, such as the Facebook Messenger platform along with wit.ai API, Canvas MOOC API, and Wikipedia API. <br>API technologies were used to connect the chatbot to selected course content on the MOOC platform as well as to large knowledge bases such as Wikipedia to expand the knowledge base of the Conversational Agent. The course selected for the chatbot integration was on general informatics topics. Most course participants interacted with the chatbot via the Facebook Messenger platform using their handheld devices. Thus, integrating the chatbot into a widely used platform such as Facebook Messenger is a convenient and effective way for reaching learners. The API technology enabled an efficient connection between the chatbot and third-party apps, including the Messenger app, wit.ai, Canvas MOOC, and Wikipedia. This was due to the variety, richness, manipulation capabilities, and format of data that an API can transfer. In addition, the Wikipedia API seemed to be a vast source of information for expanding the chatbot's knowledge base. Not all of the queries posed to the chatbot were part of the course content. Some participants questioned the personality of the chatbot and were curious about the persona of the conversational agent. This suggests that a chatbot that has been endowed with some personality traits is stimulating and more likely to be accepted by learners.</p> </div> Kovan Mzwri Márta TURCSÁNYI-SZABÓ Copyright (c) 2023 Central-European Journal of New Technologies in Research, Education and Practice 2023-05-09 2023-05-09 5 1 18 30 10.36427/CEJNTREP.5.1.5041 Talent Targeting at secondary school – Pilot Study https://ojs.elte.hu/cejntrep/article/view/5112 <p>All students have the right to an education that is appropriate to their ability, but this is not the case in practice, either at home or internationally. Public education focuses on the middle of the Gaussian curve, and deviating from it in either direction is unfortunate, especially for students with a talent for computer science. The first step in providing the right level of education and talent management is to identify the students concerned. To support this aim, the article presents a complex approach used in business. The identification of the target group, its dynamic management, and the organization of the necessary measurements into a coherent concept form the theoretical background of an ongoing experiment.</p> Pál György Sarmasági Copyright (c) 2023 Central-European Journal of New Technologies in Research, Education and Practice 2023-05-09 2023-05-09 5 1 31 47 10.36427/CEJNTREP.5.1.5112