2017: Ser 3. No 5.
Field reports

Report on magnetometer geophysical surveys conducted in Hungary, Austria and Croatia in the framework of the Interreg Iron Age Danube project

Published 2018-06-08

How to Cite

Czajlik, Z., Kovačević, S., Tiefengraber, G., Tiefengraber, S., Puszta, S., Bödőcs, A., Rupnik, L., Jáky, A., Novinszki-Groma, K., & Holl, B. (2018). Report on magnetometer geophysical surveys conducted in Hungary, Austria and Croatia in the framework of the Interreg Iron Age Danube project. Dissertationes Archaeologicae, 3(5), 343–360. https://doi.org/10.17204/dissarch.2017.343

